"The Baltic Sea Project Part I"

"The Smile of Gray"

The wind has sanded down the sky, and fine gray is floating down on all sides. The atmosphere takes on soft, shifting shades of green, blue and red. Lots of good things can be said about the colors of the Baltic Sea, but don’t think the sun made them so faint and bleached out.

On the contrary, it just brings this pastel palette to life.

The Baltic Sea Project Part II

The Baltic Prism Series


Baltic Sea Project / Violet Heaven #1

on Color Plate, printed on Hahnemühle PhotoRag Ultra Smooth


Etchings & Color Plates

A series of etchings relating to the project

"The Baltic Sea project Part I"


Fine Art Print The Baltic Sea & Color Plate

Pigment Print on Hahnemühle Paper Photo Rag



Images from etruscan landscapes



Images from the Portuguese Island in the Atlantic full of laurel forest and exotic flowers

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